WikiTree ID: Argyle-45
FamilySearch ID: KWJZ-9J7
LDS – Church History – Mormon Overland Travel
LDS – Church History – Early Mormon Missionaries
BYU – Mormon Migration
Journal of Mormon History: Vol. 37, Winter 2011: Iss. 1.
Pioneers & Prominent Men of Utah
TN Mormon History – Cane Creek Massacre (History of the LDS Church in Tennessee)
Amateur Mormon Historian – Cane Creek Branch
The Tennessee Massacre: Setting the Scene
The Ancestor Files: History of the Southern States Mission, Part 1
Our Sorrows They’ve Seen: The Tennessee Mormon Massacre (PDF)
Life of Samuel Smith Hepworth (PDF)
Biography of James Constable Warner (PDF)
Biography of Joseph William Linford
Journal of Mormon History – Fall 2008 (PDF)
Autobiography of Hyrum Belnap
Principles of Handcart Design Eric M. Palmer, 18 June 2015
Zion Bound on the Enoch Train
Mormon Migration: Liverpool to Boston 23 Mar 1856 – 1 May 1856
The Emergence and Development of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter–day Saints in Staffordshire, 1839–1870 (PDF)
Blog: The Ancestor Files, History of the Southern States Mission, Part 1
The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints, A Covenant Restored, a photographic essay
Hafen, LeRoy R, and Ann W. Hafen. Handcarts to Zion: The Story of a Unique Western Migration, 1856-1860, with Contemporary Journals, Accounts, Reports; and Rosters of Members of the Ten Handcart Companies. Glendale, Calif: A.H. Clark Co, 1960. Print.
Archer, P. L., & Petree, S. A. (2006). Recollections of past days: The autobiography of Patience Loader Rozsa Archer. Logan, Utah,; Utah State University Press.
an autobiography….

When 12 years old I went to live with a gentleman by the name of Laurence Wright and when 14 years of age was bound an apprentice by my Father, Joseph Argyle, to Thomas Dudley of Market Bosworth. I was bound to him till I was 21 years of age for which time I stayed with him and learned the trade of a tinplate worker. After which I went to Lemington in search of work. I Went to Birmingham, Warwickshire where I got a situation with a Mr. Gray, on Bradford Street…..

This engraving attributed to Sir William Dugdale shows a heavily industrialised area with St Martin’s church in the middle ground and Christ Church, near what is now Victoria Square, in the far distance. The toll gate is still visible in the middle of the street.
His trade fell off and I left him after working about five months. Then I went to work on Joseph Sanders On Livery Street and after working about two weeks I heard of an advertisement for two tinplate workers by a Mr.John Bent. I applied to him and got work making gas meters. This was in the year 1840.

On the 24th day of December 1840 I married Jane Finch, daughter of William and Rebecca Finch of Birmingham. My wife bore me 12 children, 6 boys and 6 girls. My son William was born February 21, 1849. He died February 8, 1851 and was buried February 16, 1851 at the New Church, Birmingham, Warwickshire, England. My son’s death brought me to reflection and was the means of me joining the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints.
I was baptized May 21, 1851. In the year 1856 I left my situation to go to Utah, after working for Mr. Bent 16 years. On March 19th I left Birmingham for Liverpool and went on the river on the west. We set sail on the 23rd, Easter Sunday, on the sailing vessel “Enoch Trane“.

We arrived at Boston on the 30th April. From there we went to New York and thence to Tour City and finally to the Iowas City camping grounds where we stayed 6 weeks and 3 days waiting for Handcarts to be made. Myself and wife and 6 children took up our march with the first handcart company that ever crossed the plains. Two of my children and I pulled two carts for 1400 miles. My wife was confined soon after we arrived in Utah and she had to walk all the way with the exception of one half day. This was a hard trip but I never complained but always made the best of it. We stayed at Florence ten days and then started to cross the plains and we arrived in Utah on the 26th day of September 1856 with all of my family alive for which I thank God.

We stayed with my wife’s father until the 11th day of February 1857 and then went to the city of Bountiful, Davis County, and rented an old log house from Bishop Stoker but he never charged me anything for it. I found a friend in him at that time. I will say here that I was baptized by Brother Baleston, May 21, l85l, and was confirmed May 27, 1851 by Elder Henry Bridges. Ordained Priest by Elder Henry Cooper January 29, 1853. Ordained an Elder August 6, 1855 by Elder John Godsal, President of the Birmingham Conference. On February 14th, 1857 I was ordained into the 26th quorum of Seventies by Elder Mac Bride. At the same time he conferred these blessings upon me if I would be faithful. He said that I should go to the nations of the earth and should have power over the elements and should have power over the winds and the waves and cause them to stand still when on the seas. He also said that I should lift up my voice and it should be as a two edge sword in cutting asunder the righteous from the wicked and that I should convert many souls and bring them to Zion and rule over them in Zion.
On November the 2nd 1857 I was called to attend Military duty and started with the brethren to go to Echo Canyon. We expected to meet the U. S. Army which was sent by the President of the United States but fear took hold of them and they took up their winter quarters at Fort Bridger and we were discharged to return home. We arrived there December 3rd.
The next spring the Saints moved from the north to the south not knowing whether we should go or whether we would ever come back. This was done by the request of President Young. It was a general move with all the Saints from the North and Salt Lake County. We were permitted to return back to our homes on the 17th day of July.
Before leaving England I baptized 15 persons, my two sons being among the number. In 1870 at April Conference in Salt Lake City I was called to go on a mission to England and on May 13, 1870 left my home in Bountiful, Davis County, in company with other Elders to go on that mission. We left Ogden the same morning at ten o’clock A.M. and arrived in Omaha on Sunday the 15th, arrived at New York Wednesday 18th, and set sail the same day at four o’clock P.M. on steamer “Minnesota” and arrived at Liverpool on Sunday the 29th at 12 o’clock at night making the trip in 16 days. I stayed at the office Monday and on Tuesday left for Bosworth to see my relatives where I remained until the 14th. Then I went to Dudley to visit my wife’s relatives and an Uncle Puckwood, who had for many years presided over a large branch of the Church at Stourbridge. On Sunday the 19th I attended a meeting in Farm Street Birmingham and on the 20th gave a talk to the Saints, in company with Lot Smith, Joseph Young, Seymour B. Young and Charles Shumway of Utah. On June 21st I received my appointment from Liverpool to labor in the Birmingham Conference. In the fall of 1871 I received my release to return home. After visiting my relatives and friends, arrived at Liverpool in order to set sail on the 16th on the steamship “Nevada”. The following Missionaries returned at the same time: Lot Smith, John Jaques, Albert Dewey, J. P. Shumway and George W. Groo, also 97 saints who were going to Utah. With the exception of a sea sickness we all had a very pleasant voyage and arrived on Wednesday 16th at Bountiful, 1871.
The Latter-Day Saints’ Millennial Star, Volume 32
Minutes of a Conference – Held in the Temperance Hall, Upper Temple Street, Birmingham, Sept. 25, 1870
Called by Bishop Stoker in the winter of 1871 to act as a teacher in the ward. At April conference on the 8th, 1872 was called with others as a home missionary to instruct the Saints in Davis County. I baptized while away on my mission at Birmingham, 12 saints.
On October 8, 1876 I was called on a mission to the Southern States at the general conference. I left for my mission 19th of November 1876. Many times while away, through administering to the sick, saints were raised from their beds of affliction. Sister Sally More was so very sick that they did not expect her to live until morning. A young man named Thomas Coleman was sent for after the Elders. He was on one side of the river and we Elders on the other. When we received the message we were unable to go as we had an appointment to hold a meeting that evening. We said we would go the next morning. Thomas Coleman assured us that she would be dead by that time but we told him to tell her that everything would he all right with her. After leaving him we went to a lonely place in a bunch of red cedars and then knelt down and prayed to the Lord in her behalf and ask him to stay the disease that was then praying upon her system. I prayed first and then Brother Sharp. When we arose from our knees I told Brother Sharp to look at his watch and see the time and I will look at mine and we will see what transpires for I knew that she would be restored, yet neither of us had seen her. The next morning we went over to see Sister Sally Moore. We found on inquiry that she was much better and the change had taken place when we had prayed for her. When we left her the next day she was apparently well.
We enjoyed our labors very much and received our release on the 6th. After baptizing and holding meetings and visiting all the Saints we started for our homes. We arrived from our mission in Tennessee in October 1877. On this mission I traveled on railroad 5,286 miles at a cost of $366.05. Brother Sharp and I baptized 12 saints while on this mission. When I reported to President Taylor he asked me all about the mission and the prospects. Then he asked me about my financial conditions. After telling him he asked me to select two men that I thought could go on a mission and send their names to him. Then he asked me if I could get ready to return on a mission to my old field of labor in Tennessee in one year from that time. I told him I thought I could.
I was again called on a mission to Tennessee to labor in Hickman County, at the October Conference in the year 1878. I left home on the 19th day of November and arrived at my field of labor on the 19th, Thursday. December 2 (Monday) at a council meeting Brother Hyam was appointed to labor with me in the North and Western part of Tennessee. I was appointed Presiding Elder. We labored together until January 7, 1879 (Brother Thomas Hyam and I) and I did not get another partner until March 9, 1879 when Brother Martin Garn arrived at Shady Grove as my companion. On June 1st I received an appointment from President John Morgan to preside over the Tennessee Conference. Tennessee for the first time was organized for meetings. Soon after I was released and after our farewell meetings I left for home on the 17th December 1879 and arrived home on the 23rd. Baptized while away 19 saints.
In 1894 my wife Ann Finch Argyle left Woods Cross with her son and his wife and two children to go to England to visit her relatives and friends and they arrived safely.
On July 30th, 1894, I was set apart to return to England to hunt up Genealogy. I left Woods Cross, August 6. On the 10th I set sail on the steamship “Ethiopia”. Arrived in Liverpool Wednesday, August 22. September 25 left Birmingham for Liverpool, arrived at Glasgow. Vessel was 600 feet long. Had a very stormy voyage. I was thrown by the rocking, against the side of the vessel and fractured one of my ribs.
Arrived in New York on the 6th of October. Arrived in Salt Lake, Thursday, October 11. From the time I left home until I arrived back home I traveled about 13,000 miles.
Healing power of God on myself and family:
I left my home in West Bountiful to go with my sons from Spanish Fork to their cattle ranch which lay in the direction of Green River. I went in my buggy. When I got to Spanish Fork there was an old Welsh Brother ask me if I would let him ride with me as far as P. V. Junction (Kimball Junction) and I told him yes, our way being through Spanish Fork Canyon. I believe about 25 miles after we had passed the summit and were going down the other side there were several springs. I think the first we came to there was a bad mud hole and I saw that people had turned out of the road and went below to miss the mud hole. I turned out also and in going down a little hill the tongue of my buggy came down and my son Ben was near by and he came and fixed it and then I turned to go across the creek and just as I got to the narrow ditch my son said to me, “You had better come and cross here”, which was a little higher up but I was so near to the ditch at that time that I could not stop my team. They went in and it was very deep and narrow when the front wheels went in the springs threw me a way up in the air and I fell on my neck and shoulders. The Brother who was with me held to the spring seat but I had the lines in one hand and a stick in the other. My son ran and picked me up and he knelt down and got me on his knee for a while. I said to him I thought my neck was broken but I did manage to move my neck. Then I said well then my back must be broken for I could not stir. After a while he ask me if I thought he could get me in the buggy. He said in about a half mile we would meet up with the boys. Well they got me in the buggy and we started on the way. I ask the Brother that was with me if he could see the boys anywhere; as I could not stir and suffering with pain and he said he could not see them. Anyway we reached the place and met with the boys and I had made up my mind to be administered to and thought they should get me out of the buggy. They did so and set me on a sack of flour which they had with them. I told my two oldest boys which held the Priesthood that I wanted them in connection with the old Welsh Brother to administer to me and I wanted the Welsh Brother to be mouth. Well said he, we have got no oil. I told him I did not care. I wanted to be healed. Then he said he could not speak in English. I told him I did not care what language he spoke in, I wanted to be healed. I then could not stir neither my arms nor my neck. They laid their hands on my head and the Brother spoke in Welsh and all that I knew he said was “Amen” but while their hands was on my head I felt a power go through me like electricity and I knew that I was healed. I jumped up and threw my arms and threw my neck around and said, “Thank God, I am healed”. I was restored right there feeling the pain and stiffness leaving me. I then said, “I thank God that I had come and said this is a Testimony to you of the power of God which you have seen made manifest and another to the many which I have”. We had dinner and I went on my way rejoicing.
Sometime in the year 1882 my wife Jane Argyle was taken sick with a disease which took away her appetite and she continued all the time to get worse. She was administered to every opportunity by the servants of God and was baptized by them for the restoration of her health but all seemed to fail although with very few exceptions they predicted that she should recover and again become healthy and strong still she continued to grow worse. She went with me to the Logan Temple and was again baptized for health and was anointed with oil and the prediction was that she should become healthy and strong but still continued to get worse. No one can tell her suffering but herself, she became a poor creature. A complete skeleton and it seemed as if though she could not live to satisfy the feelings of some people and also some of my own family. I knew I had to get medical advice and all together I had 14 different doctors and the most skillful of them said that it was impossible for her to live and there was not one of them that knew anything about the nature of the disease. I got her to Salt Lake City to be examined by supposed-to-be very skillful doctors and they said she could not live. At the same time one Brother Pattison and Sister Piper came to my house and said they had heard that Sister Argyle was very sick and they had come to administer to her. I told them that I was very sorry but Sister Argyle was in Salt Lake City, but I told them that I would go the next day and see Sister Argyle and would come and make arrangements with them when it would be convenient for her to go and be administered to. I did this Tuesday, October 2nd and on Wednesday, October 3rd, 1888 she went and was anointed all over by Sister Piper with holy oil and then Brother Patison with Sister laid their hands upon her and confirmed the holy anointing and the Lord heard their prayers and had respect unto the same and she was healed by the power of God right there and she came away from Sister Piper’s rejoicing, and giving God the glory for His blessings bestowed upon her. She was quite perfectly well for some time after. But she exposed herself too much and brought the disease back with the greatest of suffering and she continued to weaken down till she passed away on Saturday morning at a quarter to eight o’clock on February 22 and was buried February 27, 1890 in East Bountiful Cemetery. She was born at Dudley, Stafford Shire, England in the year 1824 on February 29th. After her death I had a physician for satisfaction to myself, and had her opened and found that the coating was all gone from her stomach.
On May 24, 1890 I engaged my grandson Ben Argyle to take a load of hay to the Grant Brothers Company Stable in Salt Lake City and on his way and in crossing the railroad track on the other side of the Warm Spring Lake and going down the hill from the track he fell off the front of the wagon and two of the wheels went over his breast. Brother John Moss of South Bountiful was going to the city and picked him up and put him in his buggy and took him to the Deseret Hospital.
I was going to the Church weighing machine and met Brother Moss. He told me what had happened and said he was afraid the boy would not live to get there but said he was alive. When he left Brother Moss said that he had been administered to by old Brother White and some other Brother who lived somewhere by the Jordan. I hastened to the hospital and found him in very bad state, his ribs seemed all mashed. They telephoned to his father in West Bountiful and the father and mother was soon down. Doctor Joseph Richards came and examined him thoroughly. He said to us that his ribs were all broken on both sides and that he could feel the splinters of the ribs where they were broken. He then called me, my son and wife into a private room and said to us, that his ribs was broken on both sides and compared to a barrel without hoops and said he could not bandage it and said if his ribs were only broken on one side there would be something to hold to with the bandage and he said there was eight chances against him to one for him ever recovering.
The next evening Sunday he came again and brought some other doctor with him and examined him again. He then said that his liver was all mashed to pieces and it was impossible for him to live. And ordered the nurses not to do anything more for him only give him a little morphine to ease his pain while he lived. On Friday 30th Sister Pratt examined him and she said, “My son Joseph, look and see those ribs, how many are thrown together.” And she said, “They were thrown together within a few minutes after he was administered to the first time.” Then on Sunday evening the first of June, Doctor Richards came and brought a Physician with him. Richards examined him again and finding that his ribs had come into their proper place he said that he had been deceived and said that his ribs had not been broken, and he took Doctor Pratt and had a private conversation with her after which she was willing to say that Doctor Richards was deceived but his ribs were broken and they came together in their proper place by the power of God. Under two weeks after they were broken he was allowed to leave the hospital and go home. It was a great manifestation wrought by the power of God. The wagon and hay that went over him would weigh 40 hundred pounds.
Sealing Record (Source):